Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission - Poornaprajna Education Center - Aldur


Aldur is small hamlet, an under privileged area surrounded by coffee estates and beautiful forest where the modern educational facilities were absolutely absent High standard of education, facilities for sports.

library arts and well equipped science laboratory were all dreams of many parents on those days.

In order to cater the aspiration of such parents the saint of Admar Mutt ,Udupi has established Poornaprajna at Aldur by launching innovative schemes in the field of education.We find that quality education is being provieded in this school.

Apart from teaching and learning activities equal importance to the co-curricular activities  are being given.Co-curricular activities give children an Intellectual edge.It is very important and interesting to note that the saint is taking personal interest in the matter of providing a quality education.

Last Updated by Priyanka.